Friday, January 21, 2011

10 ways on How to tell someone is a nerd

1. They are in their 40's and still live in mom's basment.
2. They are always wanting to be on time.
3. You see them in the trash can most of their high school years.
4. They are very socially awkward and snort when they laugh.
5. They wear really ugly glasses to school even if their eyes are fine.
6. They always never make sense of what they talk about.
7. They get wedgies from the football team.
8. They use math to figure out "everyting".
9. You see them using an inhaler.
10. They have an annoying kind of voice which sounds like someone who has a flu.

My snow day yesterday

I had a great snow day even though I didn't go outside. I had a great snow day because I was able to sleep in and catch up on some rest. When I woke up I played video games till grandma got home. We went out and got groceries and I got a i-tunes gift card. When we got home I redeemed the card and got on my i-pod. I downloaded a zombie game called "zombie infection" and it is my first ever survival horror game. I also got a game called "Eternal legacy" and it is just like Final Fantasy. I played some video games with my brother like Narnia. It was very cold going to the store though.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

John Henry-Diary

Dear, John Henry

I just wanted to say congratulations for beating the sales person. I really can't believe how you beat that machine and went down the mountain that deep. It sure did take a long while to get through that mountain huh? Three long years of going through rock and dust finally paid off. I still remember when the sales man came on that faithful day. It was a hot day on that day since it was in the afternoon. I remember it was exactly 12:00 when that man came down. I was scared because I thought we would lose our jobs. You came up and beat that machine like no other. I am very proud for what yo did for us John Henry.

Good-bye old friend, Charles Thornton